Sunday, August 30, 2009

That's Why You Don't Talk To Boys About Sports.... (8~29~09)

As many of you know one of the GREATEST baseball players of all time and possiblly the GREATEST Oakland Athletic to ever play the game was inducted in the Hall of Fame this year. You might have heard of him, he goes by the name RICKEY HENDERSON. He's so proud of his name he would even call himself Rickey!

I don't need to get into all the details because we all know he was great. The purpose of this blog is really just a vindication and to show how stupid some people are.

Now I'm not some wild crazy feminist, quite the contrary, I pretty much loathe women like that.

So here's what happened. I was talking to a friend on the phone and he proceeded to rip into Rickey and say he is only in the HOF because of stealing bases yada yada yada and he wasn't even an Oakland A for long. I was like "WHAT?" He was signed by the A's and played in the organization for years before going to the Yanks then coming back to the A's then later in his career he spent a minute with the Mets, Angels, Dodgers and maybe 5 minutes with the Padres.

Then get this!?!? You will just die!!!!



But you know when someone sounds so confident about what they are saying and you know you are right but you still look it up anyway. He said google it! I was like dude I'm on baseball reference and he was only with the Mets like a year. Then he said GOOGLE IT. Dude!!!! I'm on baseball-reference...seriously?


Don't try to tell me about my A's and one of my favorite players ever to play the will get owned!

So guys next time you want to argue with a chick about sports, make sure you get your facts straight. You know you don't wanna lose to a girl! (but they usually do.)


Rickey Henderson Teams (as a Player)

1979-1984 Oakland Athletics

1985-1989 New York Yankees

1989-1993 Oakland Athletics

1993 Toronto Blue Jays

1994-1995 Oakland Athletics

1996-1997 San Diego Padres

1997 Anaheim Angels

1998 Oakland Athletics

1999-2000 New York Mets

2000 Seattle Mariners

2001 San Diedgo Padres

2002 Boston Red Sox

2003 Los Angeles Dodgers

There's No Crying In Baseball... (8~25~09)

Bobby Crosby, rookie of the year, injury prone, dud. Just trade him and get it over with.

The A's aren't going to the post season this year, but I'm sure eventually they would like to get there. They are doing the right thing exposing these young guys to the bigs when they have nothing else to lose.

Hopefully one thing these guys don't learn is how to be a douche, because Bobby Crosby is just that and now his dear ol' daddy had a few words for one of the greatest organizations in baseball.

The Quote:

"My feelings are that he has been messed around with, and that Billy Beane (A's general manager) has done a number on him," says the 60-year-old Crosby, a retired major league scout who resides in Garden Grove. "Right now Bobby's on the disabled list, and he's not even hurt. He had a twinge in his left calf, but it wasn't serious enough to put him on the DL. But they were just looking for an excuse. Bobby's not hurt, period."

Bobby may not be hurt, but he hurts the team with his attitude and his bat. Yes, he has shown he can play other positions and do them relatively well. I understand parents want to stick up for their children but Bobby is supposedly a grown man and this is baseball. Maybe you can whine when you are hitting .230, how bout that?

You may have been rookie of the year, but guess what? So was Ben Grieve, and we all no what happened to him. Oh! Wait! Actually we don't. Did he fall off the face of the earth? Eh. Who cares.

So Ed how do you feel about Bobby's brother getting picked up by the A's? If they are such a crap organization he should have just waited around for another team to make an offer.

I knew we should have kept Scutaro! MARCO ::CLAPCLAPCLAP:: SCUTARO ::CLAPCLAPCLAP::

Man those were the days!

Hit the road Bobby, we don't need you or your dad

Do You Love Collecting Cards???? (7~18~09)

The hobby is as strong as ever. Check out for card breaks, raffles and more.

Check Out:





And many more awesome card collectors.

Wilhite to Throw First Pitch (7~17~09)

Did I say I was back for good? Ok, maybe I lied. I've been a little busy, but ironically enough a lot of my time has been taken up with sports related activities. Anyway...

Jon Wilhite, was the only survivor in the accident that killed rising star Nick Adenhart. Wilhite will be throwing the first pitch at the A's/Angel's game Saturday, July 18th as a guest of Kurt Suzuki of the Oakland A's. They went to the same college and have remained friends.

Wilhite, was seriously injured and is still going through therapy. He had an operation that consisted of reattaching his skull and spinal column. He is definitely lucky to be alive.

If anyone is interested and able to make a monetary donation they can be made to the Wilhite Recovery Fund, account 3980643658, at any Wells Fargo branch, or to a tax deductible account set up through Manhattan Beach Little League by mailing a check to: Manhattan Beach Little League, P.O. Box 3512, Manhattan Beach, CA 90266, with "Wilhite Recovery Fund" on the memo line.

Just thought I would put that out there for those of you unaware of this. Obviously finances are tight these days but any little bit helps. It's a good Karma boost, and I'm always for a little of that.

Chavez Out For The Season...Surprise Suprise (6~14~09)

Well, it was announced today before the game...CHAVEY OUT FOR THE SEASON. He is about to undergo his fifth surgery since late 2007. Rumor has it if he throws his back out again it will mean having to fuse his spine.

Should Chavey call it quits?

I know the game means a lot to these guys but you have to know when it's time to just give it up. He has children that he has to be healthy for, that he can play with and show them the game he loves so much. I am all for Chavey being a coach for the A's!

I know it's easier said than done. He had some issues with depression through all of these injuries, which is understandable. Not many of us get to experience the joy of making a career out of something we truly love.

Through all the negativity there are those players that we can look up to, there are those ones that do it for the love of the game.

Good luck Chavey, I hope you can come back strong next year and lead us to our 10 Championship. The A's have so much going against them over the last few seasons, it's time to show the Baseball world what Beane and the A's have been working so hard to accomplish.


Today's Game: A's v. Giants (Anderson/Cain)

Let's Go A's!!!!!!! (avoid the sweep, that's all I ask)

I'm Back ... For Real This Time! (6~13~09)

I know I've been M.I.A. especially since I used to write multiple blogs each day. But is it that much of a surprise that I missed the entire month of May. I love the A's win or lose but sometimes it's just so difficult to write about so many losses.

But June is a new month! It's only the 13th of June and the A's already had a nice 7 game win streak. I just hope they get another one soon.

I was completely stoked about Vin Mazzaro and Timmy Boy last night. Mazzaro pitched well except for that one inning but Lincecum has been around now for a couple seasons. Mazzaro will be there soon enough. Watch out for A's pitching over the next couple seasons, soon enough you will be saying Lincecum Who? Just trust me on this one, and remember you heard it first on Girly Baseball Chick!

I don't know if anyone here collects baseball cards, but one reason I have not been writing much on my blog is because I got hooked on a card collecting community on BlogTv. So go there and look up some of the top box breakers like TheTruth17, NHLinSeattle, GmanTD2 and you will find many more. Be a nerd like me and go there! (you can also find them on YouTube.)

That's all for now, my little introduction back to the blog world.

There will be great things to come, I promise!

Game Over! (5~16~09)

Ok, here is the long awaited blog. I've had a few people actually tell me they want me to write a new blog. Without getting all into it I've just been busy and had a lot of stuff going on but I think I'm back...for real this time. But with everything going on nothing has been as tumultuous as the A's.

(On the way to Oakland Alameda-County Coliseum - they change the name so often maybe they don't want to change the sign just yet!)

One thing that keeps me going is knowing it's still just May, but does anyone else feel like it's been a long season already?

So far I've been to 2 games; I know I know, "AND YOU CALL YOURSELF AN A'S FAN?" But trust me there will be many, many, many more. Anyway, they lost both of them. I went on May 9th when they played the Blue Jays and the forever loved Marco Scutaro! I was sitting centerfield, plaza bleachers and some "fans" below us were cheering for Marco, it was a nice gesture but these are the people that do whatever they can do to be on television. They are those that you wonder if they even have a job; they go to every single game. While that is completely cool, these people are totally not.
But I digress.

(Batting Practice at the Most Beautiful Place on Earth!)

I went with one of my best friends, and I only have two, this was the guy best friend. (Who by the way needs to find a woman, just thought I'd throw that out there, maybe on the down low I'll put up some pictures of us at a game...oh man he'd kill me. Oh well all in the name of love!) Once the second inning came around I turned to him and said man the A's are so predictable. They don't score until the 7th then they make it interesting and then lose. Unfortunately, I couldn't have been more right!

So here comes the 7th inning A's are down 4-0, up comes the G man, Jason Giambi and he hits a homerun. So the score is now 4-1, obviously, you all aren't football fans so I assume you have at least half a brain to figure that one out.

Now fast forward to the 9th, A's are down 6-1. (Yah, I know Blue Jays had scored again but we don't really need to reiterate that part of the game.) I'm watching the A's at bat just saying, "please please, patience, patience, just be patient!" Then with a runner on and one out Jason Giambi comes up to bat and hits a two run shot, now it's 6-3. So at this time I'm jumping up and down, then sitting down on the edge of my seat saying, "oh my god, oh my god!" To make a long story short A's had bases loaded, they get another run then bases are still loaded and Landon Powell comes to the plate. Once again I'm saying just be patient, just be patient, a base hit can score two runs to tie the game. So, in typical A's fashion when the game is on the line, first pitch thrown, Powell takes a crack at it, it's going deep, deep, right in the right fielders glove. GAME OVER!

Whoever, says baseball is boring either has never been to a game or is completely wacked out. Intense highs, the lowest of lows, the suspense, the drama, the heartbreak! All of those emotions are packaged ever so nicely in the greatest game on the face of the planet, Baseball!

(I really should have got the 10x zoom, but here is the Cuteness that is Ryan Sweeney!)

Next Game In Attendance: May 22nd v. Arizona @ 7:05 PM with my good friend Quinn.

Side Note Quinn is a musician, check out his website at, check out his music, if you like it buy it! (4~20~09)

I just thought I would bring your attention to the Bleacher Report. I wrote an article on the A's right before the season started. I'm not sure if I am going to write articles regularly yet or not. While these blogs are free flowing and we don't really have to care about grammar or anything Bleacher Report is slightly more intense in that way. I don't know if I have the time to be overly concerned with my grammatical errors. But it was fun and well yah I will probably write some more. Just like a chick, can't make up her mind!

Here's the link:


Baseball Season Is Finally Here (4~20~09)

I'm back in full force, about a week and a half late. Just to get it out of the way there was some Baseball/Blog drama going on in my life so my motivation was pretty much in the toilet. But I'm back brushing all the B.S aside and doing what I have come to enjoy. Whether I have one person read my blog or one thousand it doesn't really matter.

I went to the home opener at Oakland Coliseum, or I guess I should say Oakland-Alameda Coliseum or some form of that. It was a nice event. There was an engagement, which made me happy and a tad bit depressed. Where are all the good baseball lovin' boys at anyway?

As many of you probably have been made aware of four of Oakland's finest were murdered and they were celebrated. A cap was placed on the mound representing each of the fallen officers, and they also brought their motorcycles out on the field. It was a very nice gesture to a horrible event. I must admit my eyes did fill up with tears. Then the National Anthem was very fittingly sung by a police officer and there was also a moment of silence for the officers as well as Nick Adenhart.
Now to the game...

The A's lost!

The A's had the bases loaded three times and they couldn't get anyone home. This is becoming a common occurrence, if a guy gets on third he is definitely not coming in, if a guy is on second it's 50/50, but if a guy is on first he has like a 75% chance of coming home with one crack of the bat. And the A's don't score early; they like to wait around until about the seventh inning for any real action. I guess they like to just keep us on the edge of our seats, which they do, but I'd like to be a little more relaxed in the later innings, ala the Eck years.

I was stoked to see Brett Anderson pitch, it was a little bitter sweet, because the only reason he pitched that day was because the previous game was postponed to mourn the loss of Angel's pitcher Nick Adenhart. But he pitched pretty well. He was a little crazy. He is known to have pretty good control of his pitches, but that night he was a bit off. Still not a bad job though, not bad at all.

I know many of you are anti-The Wave! But WE originated it, and so it began. The bleachers were trying to get it started a good 10 times or so before it actually started to go around the entire stadium it went around a good 5 or 6 times, people were cheering and totally pumped. A line drive was hit and Ellis jumps up and makes a miraculous catch; The Power of the Wave!

As I said before the A's did lose, but it was a great game none the less. They really should have won though because the Mariners pitching wasn't looking good at all and they had a couple errors and the fielding was mediocre to say the least. But being at the ballpark is one of the greatest experiences a person can have so I was a happy camper either way.

(Here is the Cement Beauty we call Oakland Coliseum!)

Did I fail to mention the A's ended up getting swept by the M's? The season is still early I still have high hopes for the greatest organization in the bay area, my Oakland Athletics.

Don't forget to tune into ESPN tonight...A's v. Yankees!!!!!

Let's hope for a mauling like the Indians had on the Yankees, which would be fabulous!

When Wins and Losses Don't Matter (4~9~09)

Don't get me wrong I'm still excited the A's won and in glorious fashion. But in the end I can't stop thinking about how I just saw Nick Adenhart pitch last night and within hours and while I was sound asleep he was killed.

There was so much promise. If the Angels had a pen they could rely on he would have had him a win last night.

As much as we love to hate our division rivals it's times like these that show us in the end its all in fun.

This was a huge loss for Angels fans and for baseball fans in general. We feel connected to these guys. More than any sport I feel baseball players make themselves very accessible and we feel as though we do know them. Many of us have had the opportunity to talk with our favorite ball players. It's very sad that we miss out on seeing Adenhart's progression and we will never know what could have been.
The game must go on, no matter how hard it might be. My condolences go out to the entire Angels family and their fans, and especially to all of those that were important to Nick.

"It's difficult for all of us in the baseball family," Girardi said. "You dream your whole life about playing in the big leagues, you make your first start and have a good start and then it's over." - Joe Girardi (Yankees Manager)

BACK IN ACTION... (3~27~09)

Some of you may have been thinking, "Where the heck has that girly baseball chick gone? Where are her fabulous, amazing, insightful blogs?" Ok, maybe not. But anyway, it's been a little while and basically I was sick, call it the flu or whatever but I was down for the count and I'm still a little stuffy, but if you were at all worried about me I'm going to pull through.

So did you hear the big news????

Yah, the A's are starting the season off strong .... on the DL! So I guess when I go to the A's home opener I'm not going to see Duchscherer pitch. I am hoping in the end it all turns out good but it's a little frustrating at the same time. This team needs to start off strong for once and with a pitching staff that still doesn't know who the starters are it's not a great sign for things to come. I have all the hope in the world but I gotta see it to believe it.

Usually I start every season being completely stoked and hopeful and believe the A's can go all the way and I make others believe it too. But after the luck the A's have had lately this season is a little different. I still know they are totally going to win the World Series, but I'm a little worried about what it's going to take to get there.

I don't want to see the A's use the DL 25+ times this season or see over 50 different ball players on the field. There is something to be said about building chemistry. Chemistry makes the game almost seem effortless and the A's, while still managing to do pretty well last season, on the field the A's play was far from effortless.

But we, meaning the A's, have some killer bats that we haven't had for quite some time. If they can produce the runs maybe, just maybe they can either make the lack of pitching studs less obvious or make the pitchers so comfortable on the mound they become the studs the A's knew they could be.

It's basically just wait and see time for the A's. I have a feeling this is going to be a very interesting season, big highs, big lows and in the end I want to see the A's on top!

Charles Finley with one of the Oakland A's World Series trophies

Gripes, Disses, and the A's! (3~15~09)

I have been thinking, what can I possibly write about? It wasn't a matter of not having anything to say, it was more like I have too much to say. I was wondering where I should start, but I figure I will just put everything in this one blog(gette). Some parts I already know will get your panties in a bunch, and some will make you roll your eyes and think what the heck is she thinking, but trust me I know what I'm talking about (or at least I think so, but what is it that people say, when a woman talks a man just has to nod his head in agreement because a woman or a chick in this situation is always right).

I will start off by saying ....neener neener neeeeeener...Oakland beat the Angels 8-1. What's that you say? It's only Spring Training?!?!? And that is my first gripe. On one hand Spring Training isn't important because it doesn't count when determining who gets to the post season. But for you guys that say it's no big deal at all you either have no clue what you are talking about or have a really crappy team and it truly doesn't matter ::coughPiratescough:: Spring Training gives us the first look at our team. Is pitching a worry for you? You get to check out all of your so called up and coming studs and how they might fit in. Spring Training gives us a pretty good look at what our team is shaping up to be. You get to see how much the athletes worked in the off season either because they are showing more skills on the field or their body has dramatically changed. As a baseball fan I'm just stoked to get the chance to watch some baseball. I don't care if it's Spring Training or not, when the A's kick the Giants and Angels rear I'm going to be pretty excited. And to listen to the radio and hear Garciaparra (2 for 2) the old guy who people are telling me don't get too excited about, hits a line drive two base hit, I think take that naysayers. Spring Training may not determine anything when the season starts but you get to see your team. Most of the crap I hear comes from Yankee fans. So sorry some of our teams have a lot of questions and aren't lucky enough to buy already established players who everyone knows what to expect minus maybe an injury here or there that could change things up a bit. Don't ask why they show Spring Training highlights, don't say Spring Training doesn't matter, just sit back shut up and enjoy watching your team play ball.

Speaking of the Yankees, that brings me to my other gripe. I know I stick up for the Yankees, and that primarily has to do with the fact that I think they get a lot of crap for nothing and the fact I hate the Red Sox. But Yankee fans are starting to really drive me crazy. Sure I have met a lot more awesome Yankee fans than I have Boston Fans, but lately Yankee fans are really giving the Sox Fans and run for their money. I really have never known fans to be as low on the Homer poll as the current Yankee fan. They want to bad mouth the media and say there is nowhere like playing in New York, boo hoo, while secretly loving the drama and thinking it makes them that much better than every other team. But I can't think of any other fan that bad mouths their players like a Yankee fan. And before you even say that Yankee fans know the game or they aren't bias, or a number of other things you might think of just stop right there. Some Yankee fans are Jeter fans so they have problems with A-Rod, then you have the A-Rod fans that have issues with Jeter. The reason the media has a field day is because of YOU! If YOU would just shut up and not care about all the drama on and off the field the media wouldn't have as much to talk about. It's you that cares about A-Rod and manly women or the tension between A-Rod and Jeter. They also comment on how the team didn't really look that supportive of A-Rod when he had his roid press conference. Why don't you try being a little more supportive? I have also heard, now that Giambi is back home as an Oakland A, he's not really that good, or he is blamed for the Yankees not winning the World Series. Well I'm glad to have Giambi back as our first baseman, and the leader of the pack. WELCOME BACK FRAT HOUSE!!!!! The Yankee's have brought on a lot of drama on their own; have fun in third place again Yankees!

Prediction: A's to World Series before the Yankees! (have you seen our young pitching in the meaningless Spring Training?)

Now on to A's pitching! I am still concerned about this one segment of the team. I think our batting is going to be greatly improved. We have one of the best baseball players in the game today with Holliday, Giambi still has power, and if some of our injury prone guys stay healthy we have a few more hits with them too. Like I have said before our fielding really has never been a problem, but it has improved with the addition of Cabrera and if Sweeney stays healthy you will see some amazing centerfield heroics. But, as we are all aware Duchscherer (Duke) has had some setbacks with his elbow and as the probable number 1 starter it is a bit worrisome. Most likely he will end up starting the season on the DL and gradually working his way into being a reliever until his elbow issues are resolved and he can be the number one guy we intended him to be. I also made you aware of a couple up and comers in Brett Anderson and Trevor Cahill who might surprise us and come to the bigs a little earlier than expected as well as Vin Mazzaro who has been with the A's Triple A team the Rivercats. There is a huge competition going on right now for a starting job. One of my personal faves is Gio Gonzalez I would really like him to have chance and to see what happens. But we also have Edgar Gonzalez, Jerome Williams and Josh Outman. This is where Spring Training can get a team and fans excited when there is an aspect of the game that is very questionable. In three games Cahill has a 2.25 ERA, in four games Mazzaro hasn't allowed a single run and Anderson has an ERA of 1.86 in four games. Yes, I don't know if any of those guys are going to be in the starting rotation or where in the rotation they might be but I must admit the queasiness I felt in my stomach a couple weeks ago has eased up significantly. I just can't wait to see who will be tossing to Suzuki come April.
Another little gripe I have is one that involves the recent transactions the A's have made. I can't remember who told me this whether it was my Yankee fan friend or Dodger fan friend, but one of them said the A's are turning into the Giants, acquiring old guys who can't play. Oh yah the A's have sooooo many old guys. The A's have a great mix of young and old, and age is nothing but number if they can play. Giambi not only still has power, and yes he can play first base, but he is a tremendous asset in the clubhouse. While Chavy and Ellis show leadership by their play on the field, Giambi is outspoken and gets a team pumped before the game ever begins. This was something he could never do as a Yankee. I would say we should do what the A's did in the 70s and bring back the facial hair, but I'm afraid with our abundance of youngsters it might be a little difficult. The A's have been so lucky with the guys they have had on the team. We have had great veterans who are willing to do everything they can to not only help the team now but help the rooks and the future of the Oakland A's.

I don't know about you but I am excited about the 2009 season. I have high hopes for the Oakland A's but I think they are realistic. I'm not going to worry about the future of where the organization might be I just pray that the team does what they need to do to keep them here, get the fans in the seats, and WIN!
To quote Gio Gonzalez, "A's fan are great, great fans, I'm not a well known guy but they treat you like you have played there for 15 years."

With that, yes I say we and us when I talk about the A's. Some weirdoes say they don't understand why people say we and us when talking about a sports team. Well, let me tell you! I grew up in absolute love with the Oakland A's since birth, but primarily from about the age of 3 when I could in some ways comprehend what was going on. I know I have devoted my time and my money to supporting the A's. It's like having stock in a company, you are part owner and I think we have every right to say it's our team, because it is. We are true fans of the game. We have passion, and love for this game that can't be matched by any other fans of any other sports. As Baseball fans we understand the meaning of team and we know it is the only true American game (that just so happens to have caught on to the entire world). So I will continue to say we and us whenever I talk about MY A's and I suggest if you are a true fan of your team you do the same.


On a Lighter Note... (3~15~09)

So, basically my perfect guy would pretty much love baseball as much as I do. The perfect first date for me is totally going to an A's game, hands down. I found a list that expresses what is so great about dating a baseball player.

20 Reasons to Date a Baseball Player

20. They peak their best in the Spring, but they'll play all year long.

19. They know how to use their bats.

18. They know how to sacrifice for the team.

17. They prep the field before they get started, and clean it after they're done.

16. Only the best play.

15. They're not done until someone scores.

14. They're taught to try to hit it into the gaps.

13. They love to get down and dirty.

12. They're used to going back to back doubleheaders.

11. They do it morning, day and night.

10. They are great with their hands.

9. They're used to scoring no matter what base they're on.

8. They have tremendous endurance.

7. They carry a big stick.

6. They don't stop until the job is done, and there can always be extra innings.

5. They like to touch every base carefully.

4. They like to hit it hard.

3. They take the extra base if they can get it.

2. They slide into home really hard.

1. They can do it in all 9 positions.

Sounds pretty good to me! Now I just need to find a guy that plays baseball, A, AA, AAA, doesn't really matter. Guess I need to start hanging out at the ballpark.

I haven't posted a blog in a few days so I just thought I would come back with a little bit of humor eventhough it is very true.

GO A'S!!!!!

Spring Training, A-Rod, the Dreaded DL (3~6~09)

The A's usually start off slow whether it's Spring Training or the regular season. It can be frustrating but the second half of the season is always fun. But it always comes down to how much the A's sucked the first half. I don't really pay to much attention to the Spring Training games but I must admit now that they are winning my interest is being perked.

The first game the A's tied 3-3 vs. the Brewers, then the A's lost 3-1 vs. the Angels, which did hurt a little because I always want to beat them. Whether it is Spring Training or not there is a bit of a rivalry that has been building up. They finally won against Cleveland a wopping 1-0 and then of course lost a couple more. Last time I checked the standings A's were in dead last and the Mariners were in first. Then we, YES WE!, beat the White Sox, GIANTS, Mariners, and of course don't let me forget South Africa. South Africa? I never knew they played baseball in South Africa, at least we won.

Now the A's are 4-4 and no longer in last, but Angels are 7-1. I know it's Spring Training but don't you still hate to see your team behind their rival? The Angels don't have K-Rod, which is huge, I not only don't like the guy but he kills most opponents he faces. If only they could get rid of Lackey, then I would know for sure I was right all along and their really is a God.

All teams have been overshadowed this Spring Training by A-rod. First it's Torre's book, then it's Steroids, now it's a cyst on his hip and apparent labrum tear. Now the big question is ooooo does he get surgery or doesn't he? I say big woop!!! My question is, are the A's healthy. They were on the DL around 25 times in 2008. Yankees are big babies wondering about one guy having surgery. Let's revisit the A's stints on the DL and who ended up going under the knife.


3/25/2008: Eric Chavez 15-day DL

3/25/2008: Chad Gaudin 15-day DL

3/25/2008: Kiko Calero 15-day DL later put on 60-day DL

4/8/2008: Chad Gaudin off DL

4/8/2008: Justin Duchscherer 15-day DL

4/10/2008: Rich Harden 15-day DL

4/20/2008: Keith Foulke DL

4/24/2008: Travis Buck 15-day DL

4/24/2008: Eric Chavez transferred to 60-day DL

4/26/2008: Justin Duchscherer off DL

5/9/2008: Foulke off DL

5/10/2008: Buck off DL - sent to AAA

5/11/2008: Harden off DL

5/11/2008: Chris Denorfia 15-day DL

5/16/2008: Santiago Casilla 15-day DL

5/19/2008: Donnie Murphy 15-day DL

5/20/2008: Andrew Brown 15-day DL

5/22/2008: Denorfia off DL

5/29/2008: Chavez off DL

5/29/2008: Frank Thomas 15-day DL

5/30/2008: Calero off DL

5/30/2008: Joey Devine 15-day DL

5/30/2008: Mike Sweeney 15-day DL

5/30/2008: Ryan Sweeney 15-day DL

6/8/2008: A. Brown off DL

6/13/2008: R. Sweeney off DL

6/19/2008: Casilla off DL

6/20/2008: Murphy off DL

7/2/2008: Eric Chavez 15-day DL

7/4/2008: Keith Foulke 15-day DL

7/5/2008: Bobby Crosby 15-day DL

7/8/2008: Mike Sweeney transferred to 60-day DL

7/18/2008: Crosby off DL

7/19/2008: Daric Barton 15-day DL

7/31/2008: Thomas off DL

8/1/2008: Andrew Brown 15-day DL

8/1/2008: Barton off DL

8/2/2008: Devine off DL

8/6/2008: Eric Chavez transferred (once again) to the 60-day DL

8/13/2008: Ryan Sweeney 15-day DL

8/21/2008: Justin Duchscherer 15-day DL

8/21/2008: Sean Gallagher 15-day DL

8/28/2008: R. Sweeney off DL

8/30/2008: Frank Thomas 15-day DL

8/30/2008: Foulke off DL

9/3/2008: M. Sweeney off DL

9/3/2008: Frank Thomas transferred to 60-day DL

9/10/2008: Sean Gallagher off DL

9/21/2008: Mark Ellis 60-day DL

10/3/2008: Duchscherer off DL

11/3/2008: Frank Thomas off DL

11/14/2008: Brown, Chavez, and Ellis off DL (big woop the season is over)


September 2007: Eric Chavez -Shoulder

October 2007: Eric Chavez - Back

March 2008: Chad Gaudin - Hip (minor)

May 2008: Mike Sweeney - Knee

July 2008: Eric Chavez - Shoulder

September 2008: Marc Ellis - Shoulder, Travis Buck - Elbow

October 2008: Daric Barton - Hip, Greg Smith - Elbow

Granted we don't have Greg Smith, Frank Thomas, Mike Sweeney and a few others but for us to have a successful season Duke, Chavy and Ellis have to stay healthy. Maybe Ellis and Chavy aren't stars with the bat but what they do on the field and in the clubhouse would be a huge loss if they were out for an extended period of time. This trend must end!

Go A's!!!

The A's Have Pitching... (3~6~09)

One of my biggest questions for the Oakland A's is what is going on with their pitching staff. We all gasped when we got rid of Hudson, Mulder, Zito (not so much), Haren, Street (he was good at one time), Harden and Blanton, but there are reasons to this madness. Most of us know that the A's have some of the best scouts in baseball and arguably the best GM in Billy Beane, but year after year we can't help but scratch our heads. It can get frustrating but things happen and so far Beane has shown, at least in my mind, that he knows what he is doing.

What the A's need is pitching! Doesn't everyone?

We might be seeing Brett Anderson at some point this season pitch for the A's. He spent the second 1/2 of 2008 with the A's AA team the Midland RockHounds. The first part of 2008 he was with the A's single A team the Stockton Ports, combined he won 11 and lost 5, with a 3.69 ERA. While walking just 48 batters he struckout an awesome 243 in 225 1/3 innings. His dad is a coach so apparently he learned how to pitch the right way.

About his pitches, his fast ball reaches about 95 mph, but more steadily at 91-93 mph. He is said to have a lot of control of his pitches and with his command is looked at as someone who can lead a pitching staff one day. He also has a good curve, slider and changeup, oh and he's a lefty.

After his season in Midland ended he was added to the A's AAA team the Sacramento Rivercats, where he helped them win another league championship. It looks like he will start in Sacramento this year. So, within a year this guy jumped from A to AAA, not quite a Travis Buck job going from A to the majors but pretty close. This guy is going to make the Haren trade look even better.

I'm looking forward to seeing Anderson pitch with the Rivercats. I'm about 10 minutes from the ballpark now so expect some AAA blogs.

Don't be down on the pitching A's fans, the A's have been building up their pitching and we will soon see them in the "bigs."

Expected to show up in an A's uniform in 2010 is another pitcher, Trevor Cahill. Cahill throws right and has a knuckle-curve out pitch that makes his opponents shake in their cleats, along with a solid changeup, and his best pitch a sinking fastball. Cahill started off as a shortstop but appears to have found a home on the mound. He also played 1/2 of 2008 in Stockton and then promoted to Midland in the second 1/2. Like Anderson, Cahill also had a W-L record of 11-5, with a 2.61 ERA in 21 games pitched. For two years in a row he was named the organizations' Pitcher of the Year.

He may also be seen in a Rivercat uniform this year.

So we still might be scratching our heads at some of the moves that are made. But I have faith in Billy Beane and I think we will be on our way to bringing another Championship to Oakland. It's been 20 years, it's time.

To quote an article written March 2008 by Jonathan Mayo from, "Hey, your're good! What's your name again? ... Such is life for the Minor League staff in the Oakland A's organization. If you happen to be in Phoenix this spring and see a number of grown men walking around grinning, there's the reason why: The A's system is more loaded than a Porsche."

So it's just a matter of time. Watch out Yankees, watch out Red Sox and Angels, here come the Oakland A's.

Check out Raley Field - Home of the Sacramento Rivercats the Oakland A's Triple A Team...

Ain't it beautiful? Possible A's future home??? hmmm.... maybe?

Oakland 'A' To Watch! (3~5~09)

Right now the big news involving the A's are the acquisitions of Giambi, Holliday, Cabrera and Nomar. The big question for A's fans is, "What's going to happen with Crosby?" While I love the guys we were able to obtain, and at this point I don't really care about what happens to Crosby the guy everyone should keep an eye on is Ryan Sweeney. Even for those of you who don't even care about the A's he is at least some good eye candy.

Ryan Sweeney just turned 24, which is still young and he can learn a lot from the vets we have acquired but he is capable of a lot on his own. The A's got him in the Swisher trade, when Swish was sent off to the White Sox not long after all of us A's fans were stoked that he signed for six years. Apparently that doesn't matter, signed just means we will keep you around but if we can get rid of you for something we think will help us in the long run then we can get rid of you any time we want. Baseball is a crazy, crazy game.
Sweeney played the first two years of his career with the White Sox, but he only played a combined 33 games. This ironically enough was Swisher's old number. Hmmmmm.... A coincidence? Well no matter how much the players don't want to admit it; it's a very superstitious game. Hey Giants! Does Zito still have his teddy bears?

The Numbers:

Year: 2006 Games: 18 HR: 0 RBI: 5 BA:.229
Year: 2007 Games: 15 HR: 1 RBI: 5 BA:.200
Year: 2008 Games: 115 HR: 5 RBI:45 BA:.286

In my opinion a .286 is a pretty good average, he's not a power guy but he does put the ball in play and he does get on base. In 2008 he had 110 hits with 18 doubles and 3 triples, and was only walked 38 times, with a .350 OBP. I think this year he will be closer to a .300 hitter, 10 homeruns and around 60 RBI. I'm not a numbers person and I'm just pulling these numbers out of a place the sun doesn't shine unless I'm on my balcony where no one can see me, but I think he is a guy to watch. I think he has a good bat, he is one of the better outfielders and he has speed. Just by watching this guy last season he has a lot going for him, plus a great attitude, which these days can be hard to find. But I must say the A's have been pretty lucky in the personality department.

Basically, I just want to put it out there that I think Ryan Sweeney is going to be the guy to watch. Sure people are interested in seeing how these new vets are going to do but the A's are known for getting good young talent and Sweeney is no exception. We'll see how close this non numbers person got on her predictions. But I really do hate predictions because anything can happen. I just want my team to stay healthy.

I have to close this with a quote from a chick I overheard talking about baseball, "How can anyone like baseball, they only hit like 20% of the time."

Go A's!

A's Get Cabrera, What Happens to Crosby? Garciaparra? (3~2~09)

As an A's fan I find myself to be relatively stoked about this deal. For those of you in Bean-town, stoked is kinda sorta like wicked. Why you all say that is beyond my comprehension. Anyway, Cabrera is great for the A's. When considering what they have had and comparing that with what they are getting its a good move. Some people might say something like what I was told by someone who will remain nameless, "a career .274 batting average? That's not very good!" Well, in my opinion a .274 is pretty good; I mean they can't all be the late great Ted Williams. That average compared to Crosby's career .239, I mean come on there is no comparison.

I will admit I am not familiar with Cabrera's history of injuries but it doesn't really matter when you consider how often Crosby is placed on the DL. Crosby has talent no doubt, but he is becoming more and more of a liability. Now I am a bit excited about him working with the likes of Mark McGwire and trying to perfect his swing. But a perfect swing means nothing if he's injured.

But now we also hear that Nomar Garciaparra is in the mix. He is basically pondering the idea of retirement unless the A's decide to sign him. Even though he was at one time a Boston Moron I still like the guy. I am under the assumption that if Garciaparra does sign with the A's it will be another one of those one year jobbers and either way Crosby is odd man out. But this is what I get for actually reading articles; they say if they get Garciaparra then Crosby will be a utility man. Well what is Garciaparra? Isn't he a utility man right now? That was his job with the Dodgers. What do you need Garciaparra for if you are going to keep Crosby? I personally thought they should have gotten rid of Crosby a couple seasons ago and kept fan favorite Marco Scutaro.

I hate reading articles, I should know better than to read anything by so called experts they just confuse the situation. That's why I like reading blogs, the fans know more about this darn game (well some of them.)

I'm not really sure what the A's should do in regards to Garciaparra or Crosby. I wanted to give Crosby the boot but it sounds like he might be doing well and now that he is working on his swing he could surprise us this season, however Garciaparra hasn't been a total disappointment. He played in less than half the games Crosby did last year, who had a .239 ERA compared with the .264 ERA of Nomar. Crosby is 29 years old and Nomar is pushing 36 years of age. I actually would hate to see Nomar retire but I don't know if there is any other option for him, it's A's or Bust. But do we pass on Crosby? He is still relatively young and I believe his batting average will be better this season. I know I wanted to give up on the guy a couple seasons ago but now I'm not so sure. I think at this point I will approve of either decision the A's decide to make.

When it comes down to it, the A's need pitching. Now rumor has it Duke's elbow issues may be worse than we are led to believe. As far as I know he is all we have right now that has proven himself, at least as a starter. I am excited to see Ziegler close; I hope he can accomplish what he did last year. It does remind me of Cust though. When Cust came to the A's it felt like he finally found where he belonged. Eight straight games with a homerun! Who does that? Jack Cust does that! Then the following season he is just average. Ziegler went how many innings without a run? Thirties? Forties? Yah I know I should just look it up but I want to show some legitimacy to my knowledge, I'm not a numbers person I know about and around what they are and that's good enough for me. I'm a fan, I'm not a scout.

I love my A's! I have all the faith in the world that whatever team they come up with can win, but I would be more confident if I felt we had adequate pitching. Our hitting is going to improve dramatically; our fielding never really was an issue. However, starting now I am going to pray every night for a healthy season for the entire team but especially Chavy, Duke, and Ellis. I'll pray for Crosby too if it looks like he will stay. I am confident but I still have that little ache in my side that it might not go as well as I hope. But that's why they play 162 games. You never know what is going to happen. Teams have gone from last to first in just a matter of one month so until the A's are down to the last game of the season and more than a game back from going to the playoffs my faith will remain high.

GO A'S!!!!

Ladies Only .... and Some of the Boys! (3~1~09))

I was just putting on my Nivea A Kiss of Moisture Hydrating Lip Care SPF 4 and thought I would share some tips while out in the sun at a baseball game.

Now as ladies we know that guys have it lucky, when we age we become old hags and men become hotter (if they take care of themselves of course.) Most of us I would say love the sun, I do like the rainy weather but being at a ball game with the sun beating down, life can't get much sweeter than that (except for a night game.)

But our skin suffers. If you don't use sunscreen now...START!!!!! Even when it's not sunny it's good to get in the habit of using sunscreen especially on the face. I know, I know, it will mess up your makeup.....but thats not true!!!! So no more excuses. Try Aveeno Continuous Protection Sunblock Lotion for Face SPF 70! That's right SPF 70. I used the sporty one in that blue bottle for years but this Aveeno doesn't smell like sunblock and it lasts, but as with any sunblock you need to reapply especially if you are sweating. But on a day to day basis put it on once and you are good to go just let it dry about 30 seconds then proceed with your normal makeup routine.

For the lips I started using Nivea and it works really good and stays on your lips. I don't know about you but I hate when I am home from a game and I am all hot and my lips are chapped. So I recommend Nivia A Kiss of Moisture Hydrating Lip Care SPF 4. If you are at a game you don't need lipstick! Boys don't like that anyway unless you are at the clubs, dance clubs that is.

And also so you don't get a sunburned head I recommend that everyone go and buy a baseball cap of their favorite team. Then you don't have to worry about a flaky head a week after you went to a game.

Of course always lather up with sunscreen over all exposed parts. My choice is Coppertone Sport. I tan relatively easy and don't generally burn to much but I like an SPF of at least 30 on my body.

And if you do happen to get a few red spots make sure to always put on Aloe Vera. It is a must have!!!! Even if you don't think the redness is to bad you have to put it on because I know you know you said it wouldn't be bad and a couple days later you are still dying from the burning sensation and now you are peeling. I use Banana Boat Aloe Gel.

Make sure you are good to your skin ladies. Then the boys will want to keep taking us to games and maybe even go home for our own game of baseball.

A Treat to Ease the Baseball Summer Heat (3~1~09)

I just thought I would share a little recipe for a nice light refreshing treat. It would be perfect for the hot weather but I just made this and its pretty darn good in cold weather too.

I have to give credit to the Food Network's Paula Deen on this one but I have an idea to put a spin to it. And while you should follow the ingredients you don't really have to follow exactly how they put it together.

Carolyn's Gelatin Cheesecake

Prep Time = 15 minutes

Inactive Prep Time = 3 hours

Cook Time: 0 minutes

Level: Easy

Serves: 12 servings

1 (12-oz) Container Low-Fat (1%) Cottage Cheese [I only found a 16 oz. at the store so you know just leave in what you think is 4oz.]

2 (.3oz) Boxes of Sugar Free Strawberry Gelatin, Plus 1 Box (recommended: Jell-O) [I only saw .6 oz boxes at the store so I bought one and then guesstimated what half of the other was]

2 Ready-Made Ligh Graham Cracker Crusts

1 Pint Fresh Strawberries, Plus Extra For Garnish [I skipped this part all together, so did my mom and she used Peach Jello and I used Raspberry]

1 (8 oz) Container of Frozen Light Whipped Topping, Thawed [I used Cool Whip Lite and I put it on after I cut myself a piece but I'm bringing one to my parents and I think I will put it on top first]

Directions -

Put cottage cheese in a blender.

Make 2 boxes of the gelatin, using 1 cup of hot and 1 cup of cold water.

At once, before it jells, add to cottage cheese.

Blend until smooth.

Pour evenly into crusts and refrigerate until set.

Cut up fruit and place on top of pie.

Make remaining package of gelatin as per instructions on box. [My mom just mixed it all together in the blender and left it less smooth which was really yummy, when I made it I made it how the directs say minus letting the cottage cheese and jello mix set and then poured the other gelatin in and that was good too and my cottage cheese was blended so there were no chunks in the pie]

Pour it on top of fruit and put it in the refrigerator until set.

Put whipped topping on top.

Garnish with more fruit.


1. Following Paula Deens Directions

2 & 3. Following my directions

Side Note: My mom's version leaves the pie much creamier than both of these and it is so good but I liked mine too. Its something you can play around with and use different flavors. I was thinking I could use lime jello and then put yellow food coloring in with my whipped topping and there ya go A's Jello Pie!!!!! GENIUS!!!! Try it...I don't cook and it tasted awesome mine might not be as pretty as Paula's but it all goes to the same place in the end.

Do You Know The Game (3~1~09)

Growing up as a baseball fan we have all heard about the Yankees, the Red Sox, the Dodgers, and we know about them whether we want to or not. I understand why, but why not the A's? It all started in Philadelphia, they had the iconic Connie Mack or Mr. McGillicuddy if you prefer. They had the likes of Ty Cobb, Stuffy McInnis, Frank "Home Run" Baker, Lefty Grove, and later on in Oakland, Catfish Hunter, Rollie Fingers, Reggie Jackson and the amazing Ricky Henderson. Don't you just love the names?

I figure every so often on this Blog(gette) of mine, I am going to share with you the history of the team that I am so much in love with. They are one of the top 3 organizations of all time, if not in the top two only behind the Yankees. While I am not a fan of the Yankees I absolutely feel the need to stick up for them and I understand why they are #1. You just can't argue 26 Championships and having guys like Babe Ruth on your team. It's the history of baseball that made the teams of today what they are, but for some odd reason the A's were forgotten. If only Connie Mack could come back in some form and bring them back to the status they once had.
Just to get it over with right now the period of time they were with Kansas City (1955-1967) is going to be discussed very little, for very obvious reasons. Maybe that is what hurt them, but the Oakland A's have been incredibly successful, so I don't know what people on the West Coast expect, the A's have given us everything we could hope for and we continue to fail them as fans. (However, I won't put myself in that category because I can still find some change under the couch or wherever so I can still go to a game - greatest thing I can think of doing between April and October.)

I'll just start with a brief history and then later blogs I might discuss specific events in greater detail. Maybe we didn't have a Ted Williams on our team but like the A's have developed at times during the 2000s, they had a team that can work well together, have fun and still manages to pull out a win. No Big Names Necessary!
You can't discuss the A's without starting off with Connie Mack. Now there is a guy who will have a record that is never broken, 50 years as manager. In 1901 it was Ben Johnson who established four teams for the American League and chose Connie Mack to manage the Philadelphia A's.

There aren't many managers out there who were as successful as Mack. The A's won six pennants and were just short of winning two more in the first 14 seasons Mack was manager. In 1901 they came in fourth place out of 8 teams in the league, however they managed to pull out the pennant win the following year.
Don't get me wrong Connie Mack and the Phili A's had their fair share of downright horrible seasons with dismal win percentages in the 200s, but I'm trying to get you psyched (or stoked depending where you are from) about my A's. So it's all about the good times. But I have to add if it weren't for those bad years in Kansas City they may never have come to Oakland and oh am I grateful for that suck fest in Kansas City!

When they won the pennant in 1902 it was due to an awesome August and September, which reminds me of the current A's. They are always bad @$$ during the last half of the season but depending what level of suckiness they were at during the first half has determined whether they play in October. I guess it's just in the A's blood to rule the second half of the season. In the A's first World Series appearance they were beat four games to one but oh what they had in store for the World Series later on.

For a few of the early years the A's had to battle with the Detroit Tigers. Losing to the Tigers and then not being able to make up a rainout and a tie, left the A's 1.5 games behind the Tigers in 1907. This eventually led to the A's first losing season the following year. The year 1909 found the A's once again battling with the Tigers but they eventually fell to second place with no chance to pull through.
Now we get to why the A's are the Amazing A's. The year is 1910, and like the pitching staffs we have had in recent years they had a smokin' hot ERA of 1.79. But unlike the A's of today they also had guys that could hit and field. Today it seems like you can't have one with the other. The A's in 1910 had the division close to clinched all the way in June and by the end of the season were up a good 14.5 games.

And do you know what team they met in the World Series? That's right the good ol' boys right outta Wrigley, da' Cubbies.

The cubbies were outscored 35-15 and lost in five games.

Side Note: I do like the Cubbies though; it would be nice to get that win outta the way like the Red Sox did so now we can get over it and enjoy seeing them lose again. The Red Sox had to make us see them win again though just to annoy us a little more.

The A's then repeat and win the World Series again in 2011 against the New York Giants. It's always been sweet to say World Series Champs over the Giants. It goes back so long ago. Who knew? (If you don't know already I can't stand the team across the bay)

The year 1912 wasn't as good to the A's (3rd Place) but like only the A's can do they bounced back to win the World Series again in 1913, and made another appearance in 1914. Ok, yes they were demolished by the Boston Braves and were the first sweep since World Series play was renewed in 1903.

But good things must come to an end. People try to ask questions when Billy makes changes but nothing Billy has ever done so far has equaled the caliber of what Mack did with the Phili A's. Talk about getting rid of your best players. He got rid of or I guess I should say sold second baseman Eddie Collins, and released Eddie Plank and Chief Bender (those names are great!), and "Home Run" Baker went home for the 1915 season because the poor guy was homesick and then went to the Yankees (of course.) There were financial reasons some may assume for the release of these players but others would suggest it had to do with a not so "fair" World Series in 1914. Maybe this was just a case of getting rid of the A-holes that cost you a World Championship. hmmmm..... very interesting. Can we say BLOG!

These changes did lead the A's to a wonderful seven years in last place. (That was my attempt at being facetious.) But still some records were made such as 1915, losing 109 games, oh yah and there was the great year of 1916 and the 117 game losses. Yah buddy!!!! Those were the days!

But then the roaring 20s came along (my favorite decade in baseball and life in general - I would love to have been around then but I could skip the Great Depression that was to come later on.) In 1927 they did win 91 games but of course what team had to have the greatest year ever?....the Yankees! But the A's from 1929 (one of my favorite A's years) through 1931 left the Yankees in their dust. In 1929 the Yanks saw themselves in second place an impressive 18 games behind the A's. The A's then won the World Series once again, against the Cubbies.

The A's then beat the Cardinals in 1930 to take home another Championship. Like you all should know by now the A's like to win these things back to back and in some cases back to back to back and that is for a blog at a later date.
In 1931 the A's had won the most games in their young history with 107 but fell short in the World Series against the Cardinals. It came down to game 7 and the baseball domination that was the Oakland A's ended. (No wonder I can't stand the Cardinals! I knew there was a method to my madness...Cardinals, Giants, Boston, Braves...can't stand any of them.)
When 1932 came around the A's found themselves in second place, and as we know Connie Mack doesn't settle for second and sold off the stars once again. Now, if Mack could do it, what's wrong with Beane doing it? The Great Depression that came about in 1931 didn't help much either for the upcoming seasons. And like the A's of today they never really had a high attendance. There were also family issues for Mack, he sold some of the team to his sons and you know how that goes. DRAMA!!!
When Mack retired at 87 years of age it was his sons that pressured him to do it. Attendance had actually gone up dramatically after World War II but once Mack was gone so were the fans. When the team started to fall as fast as the attendance the Mack kids sold the A's to Arnold Johnson who then moved the greatness of the Philadelphia A's to Kansas City. Attendance did go up that first season and the A's were over one million for the first time in their history, but they ended up in sixth place which was the best they did in their 13 years as the Kansas City A's. (See I told you that would be short!)
And now the Dynasty rises again!
Johnson Dies!!!!! (was that in bad taste, I'm sorry)
The A's were then sold to ....drum roll please....CHARLES O. FINLEY, better known as Chuck to the A's aficionado such as myself. (Or so I think)

And then the league added a couple teams yada yada yada and yah the A's ended up in 10th cry, cry, tear, tear.
Then good ol' Chucky Boy flies the A's to Oakland in the good ripe year of 1968!
And I think that is a good place to end for now. Because you know I have to devote an entire blog to my first love the Oakland Athletics!

(My Second Home Oakland Coliseum)

Everyone Needs a Little Love (2~24~09)

So now that we got the hate out of the way it's now time to show some love. Now, a lot of you listed the players you hate and they were all good ones. When I put my lists out it's not necessarily who is the most popular to hate or love, but it's guys I see that get the most emotion out of me good or bad. To me a great player can be a guy that just goes out there and does his job and does it with success, he doesn't need to be a future Hall of Famer to be great in my book. I like those guys that exemplify the meaning of the word Team so some of my Love list you might say huh? You love that guy? Or who the heck is that? But Baseball is a great game and everyone can name the guys that have the great numbers but a real fan can look past them to see true greatness.

At this moment I don't know how long this list will be, you'll just have to read on and see. There are always guys we can hate in every game but there is so much more to love! And I can't give these guys a number, it's just a list, no rhyme or reason for the order it just is what it is.

The All-Star Love List

Olmedo Saenz - This is that guy that you might say WTF!?!? Are you serious? Yah I am! He played for the A's for about a minute but it was a great minute! It was four seasons but the time he actually spent off the bench I think a minute is pretty adequate. But my memories of him are regarding those clutch hits. When the A's would call this guy up to the plate he did his job. When the A's needed a run he gave it to them. He didn't complain, he knew what his role was and he excelled. I was heartbroken when I saw him fall on his way to first and then we later found out he tore his achilles tendon. That is a career ender but the Dodgers took him under their wing and gave him another four seasons.

Ken Griffey Jr. - He is one of the baseball greats! I guess it's obvious that this guy would be on a 'players I love' list but this guy is a class act. If health was on his side he would have legitimately beat records and before anyone could ever think of beating them. At a young age he was in a category amongst the best. Then, like so many greats he is struck with injuries. Injuries that took him out for long periods of time, but the amazing thing about this guy; people never forgot about him. Even though we couldn't see him we knew he was around and people couldn't wait to see him back on the field. Now he is back to where it all started and while I would love to see him in an A's uniform he is where he belongs. He exemplifies what "For The Love of The Game" means. Sure he gets paid, but Seattle? It is unlikely they are going to win a world series anytime soon. He turned to the greats that he is compared to and they guided him on his way. He was lucky enough to grow up in the greatest game in the world, it's a huge part of his life and as great as he is he doesn't have the cockiness that so many have. He knows he's good, he knows without injuries his numbers would be staggering but he remains a class act.

Cal Ripken - 21 Seasons! Not only did he have a long successful career but all 21 of those great seasons were spent with the Baltimore Orioles. How rare is that? Obviously, this is a guy that would cause a lot of PR issues if you got rid of him but you can't tell me there weren't teams that would have loved to have him. There are a lot of memories when it comes to Mr. Ripken, the consecutive games played is the first thing that comes to mind. This guy isn't a big baby he played because he enjoyed playing and he didn't want to let his team down. And when he broke Lou Gehrig's record he said one of the best quotes, "I know that if Lou Gehrig is looking down on tonight's activities, he isn't concerned about someone playing one more consecutive game than he did. Instead, he's viewing tonight as just another example of what is good and right about the great American game." I don't know anyone that can ever put this guy on a most hated player list, Orioles fan or not, you just have to love this guy.

Frank Thomas - What can I say about this guy known as the "Big Hurt?" I named my cat after this guy, I mean that's huge! He almost spent his career with one team but as an A's fan I'm so glad he didn't. He might be old in baseball years and might have bad legs but man when he ran he put his all into it. When he played for the A's and I saw him steal a base, when I saw him slide, these were great, amazing, and absolutely hilarious moments. Some people say this guy had an attitude at times but all I ever saw was a guy who played with heart; he put his all into the game (that's what being an Oakland A does for a player). Unlike some players who with age get a bit lazy. Thomas knows he is one of the greats of the game but he also respects the game and he shows that every time he gets the opportunity to step on the field.

Marco Scutaro - MARCO ::CLAPCLAPCLAP:: SCUTARO ::CLAPCLAPCLAP:: No player can make me smile more than this guy! Utility guy? What? This guy is one of the most underrated players in the game today. He does it all and does it well. He is clutch in the field and at the plate. He took over when Crosby was hurt, he took over for Ellis when he needed a break, and for the (knock on wood) now healthy Chavez. He played these positions and he did them well. He isn't just a utility guy, he is a real baseball player; utility guy is used in such a way today that isn't thought of as highly as it should. Have we forgotten who one of the greatest utilities guy ever in the game, a Hall of Famer all the way, Mr. Pete Rose. Marco is a guy you can put in the infield as your starter, your number one guy and he will succeed. But if you need him there to fill in every now and then he will do that. This is one of those good guys you never hear about. In this so called "era of steroids," we miss out on guys like this. We miss out on hearing all the great moments these guys have had. Scutaro had many great moments with the A's and we will forever be grateful and we will miss him. Hopefully he will be back some day. He is a fan favorite that also produces. Great Character, Great Baseball Player!

Matt Stairs - That throw from right field to home...WHAT??? Amazing! Perfect throw! Right in the catcher's glove! As you can see I like the good guys of baseball, and once again here is another. The baby face, the blonde hair, the smidge of Canadian accent, you can't help but love this guy. He's another guy I consider underrated. He has a pretty good OBP, SLG, and I think all of his numbers could have been much better. He never settled at one position. With the A's he had a lot of time at Right Field but he moved around a lot and for the Cubbies he was their 1st Baseman. I think a lot is to be said about consistency and knowing where you are going to be on any given day. But with that said he is still one of my greats! Matt Stairs is by far one of my favorite players to put on an A's uniform.

Terry Steinbach - Or Steiny to the true A's fan! It was great watching this guy! He began his career with the A's which automatically scores some major points with me and as the catcher of the great A's team of 1989 he is loved by most if not all A's fans. I was just a tator tot when he began his career but he was always a standout in my mind. Steiny was consistent, he was one of the best catchers getting to catch for the likes of Dave Stewart and Dennis Eckersley. He received one vote for the HOF in 2005 and was dropped from future ballots, a complete joke. I try not to be bias and honestly I don't think I am, the A's in his time were great and he was a big part of that.

Gregg Jefferies - This guy is why I would have been a Mets fan if I found myself in the unfortunate situation of being raised in New York. (I apologize to you New Yorkers, but the East Coast and I just would never get along, I dislike Mass. even more.) He was my brothers favorite player along with Shooty Babitt (in 1981; who now does broadcasts for the Oakland A's and also has done some stuff for the Mets ironically enough) so I got caught up in the love and had too, but enjoyed watching this guy. But Jefferies did grow up in California so I guess that's where some of the appeal lies. He did get some crap for some of his actions early on in his career with the Mets and they didn't let up but as with the steroids issue you know I'm not one to care about off the field drama that doesn't and shouldn't affect the game. I had to add this guy on my list because he was my brother's favorite and he made me pay more attention to baseball overall by spreading my wings to the NL. But I'm still an AL girl!

Rickey Henderson - Really? Can you ever say enough about him? Personality, talent, he is one of the greatest ball players to ever play the game, which has been validated by the HOF. He has his fair share of records but to watch this guy live for all the years I was able to watch him he was more than just his records and his 3rd person speech. He made the game even more exciting than it already is and was, he took people up off their @$$. Him and Eck on one team, I mean the A's had it good! The A's had it Real Good!

Dennis Eckersley - A lot of people remember Eck because of "The Gimp." Eck said himself he could go without seeing that at least one year. But if you watch any highlight or the beginning of many baseball shows there it is, Eck and Kirk Gibson (can we say only famous because of this one event! OVERRATED!). Eckersley had his rough times earlier on in his career but he found a home in Oakland. Finally a team found where his position was and where he could truly excel, and excel he did. But to truly understand the greatness you were observing you had to see him pitch at Oakland Coliseum. As soon as he was called out on the mound there was a hush across the crowd. I think you really could hear a pin drop. We just wanted to watch him get those final outs and rarely did he fail us. As a fan you knew we had this in the bag. Those moments are what sticks with fans, not who did roids. That stuff only affects the fair-weather guy who doesn't love the game like a true fan does. Even talking about Eck I get that feeling that I remember so clearly.

Randy Johnson - Never an Oakland A, but oh I wish he had been. He is a hometown boy! For those of you who don't know he was raised in Livermore, California. Guess where I was born and raised? Yup, that's right good ol' Livermore, California. He went to Livermore High School; I would have gone to Granada if I didn't have to move. (so sad, tear, tear) My dad was lucky enough to see him pitch in High School. One day in particular it was known that a lot of scouts would be out watching him and in the way only "The Big Unit" knows how to do...first pitch...wild....second pitch....wild. This went on until the scouts decided they were wasting their time and left. If only they knew what they would be missing out on. He might be aging but he is still a guy I wouldn't mind on my team. But let's see how he does with the Giants we all know where Zito's at right now. The Giants just have that affect. Sure they have Cain and Lincecum but they are too young to know any better.

Ted Williams - There is a lot to love about this guy. It's just too bad he had to play for the Red Sox. He is one of the greatest ball players never to get a ring. One thing I loved about him is what a lot of people don't like about Barry Bonds. Ted Williams did not get along with the media. He didn't want to talk to them after they wrote untruths so they continued writing negative stories and he continued to ignore them. But one of the greatest things about this guy, beyond what he did with the bat is what he did for this country. He was at the prime of his career when he entered the military. I can only imagine what his career numbers would have been. But he knew where his loyalty was and what his priorities were. Not only did he help protect this country, he still managed to become one of the, if not THE best baseball player ever to play the game.

Miguel Tejada - Miggy! He was the heart of the A's clubhouse when he was there. Seeing him hardly able to contain himself, he was always jumping out of the dugout. When a big hit came and guys were running home he would get that arm moving like he was the 3rd base coach. All of this stuff he fell into means nothing to me. He is a good guy in baseball. He doesn't make excuses he is who he is. He was great when he started in Baseball and he is still great now. He loves Baseball and he puts his all in the game, and that's all that matters.

Jason Giambi - When Giambi left the A's it was bad. A's fans felt he didn't leave graciously. He did make a few comments that even I was annoyed by. But he did say his childhood dream was to play for the Yankees, so how can I be upset when a player I truly enjoyed watching got his dream. But like they say things are NOT always greener on the other side. But he is back home in California and with the Oakland A's. He has the good numbers a numbers guy likes to see but he also has quality character. People feel they have the right to criticize him because he wouldn't have admitted to and apologized for using steroids until reports started to surface. WHO WOULD??? But he came out with it. People want to say he never admitted to exactly what he did...yes he did. We know he did some type of illegal substance that is so called performance-enhancing. We are allowed mistakes unless you are a Yankee or another high profile player. I expect nothing but continued greatness from this guy and he definitely belongs on my list of players I love.

Billy Beane - The ultimate baseball guy. I can go on and on. Sure we scratch our heads once in awhile due to some of the trades we have seen but they tend to pan out in the end. Most of us have read Moneyball and some start to denounce Beane's way of running the show because the A's haven't won a Championship in nearly 20 years. But the A's, with Beane's help have shown that you don't need Yankee type of money to win games. Of course the main goal is to win a Championship but with one of the lowest payrolls the A's have managed to get to the playoffs about 50% of the time the last two years have in my opinion been flukes based on all the injuries the A's have had. Now rumor has it Brad Pitt is going to play Billy Beane in the possible upcoming movie Moneyball! Whatever it takes to bring attention to the best organization in baseball or at least west of the Mississippi, is fine with me.

So there is my list as unconventional as it may be. It's a list of guys that make me feel emotion, allows me to reminisce, and express why I love this game!
Now it's your turn. You know I love hearing from other baseball fans. Hope you enjoyed!

And a quick update: The Brew and Bill Show will start airing two shows per week so if you haven't been able to listen to them on Monday Nights @ 10:00 EST you can catch them Thursdays @ 10:00 EST beginning March 4th. Go to for the Brew and Bill Show and A Show of Their Own (Sunday 9:00 EST)